
striped triggerfish

striped triggerfish (up to 1 ft, up to 3 lb)
eats: coral, sea urchins, crabs, molluscs, sea squirts

watercolor (7" x 10.25")

apologies for the poor scan quality


win a pescadote bag!

thanks to everyone who gave the contest a shot and congrats to our winners: mike, maggie, and kathleen.
merry xmas.

-joe w


win a pescadote bag!

thanks to the invaluable printing expertise of evan webster ink, pescadotes now has bags. we strive to be sustainable at pescadotes and these bags are made of 100% recycled cotton. perfect for a trip to the grocery store.

there are three bags up for grabs, here's how to play:

1. post a pescadotes link on facebook
2. get 5 people to "like" your pescadotes post
3. take a screenshot of your post with the 5 "likes" and email it to me: warren.josephb AT gmail.com
4. first 3 successful contestants to respond win a bag


pescadote in nyc

he was later pushed off the roof for chopping the ray's stinger in half


bluefin tuna

bluefin tuna (up to 14 ft , up to 992 lb)
eats: sardines, herring, mackerel, squid, crustaceans

watercolor (7" x 10.25")


atlantic sturgeon

atlantic sturgeon (up to 15 ft, up to 800 lb)
eats: crustaceans, worms, clams, other mollusks

watercolor (7" x 10.25")


right whale*

right whale* (up to 59 ft, up to 182,000 lb)
eats: copepods, krill, pteropods

watercolor (10" x 14")




hogfish (up to 3 ft, up to 30 lb)
eats: mollusks, crabs, sea urchins

watercolor (7" x 10.25")

hyannis coast

hyannis, ma coast map

watercolor (8.5" x 11")

buzzard's bay 12 1/2

buzzard's bay 12 1/2

watercolor (7" x 10.25")


open ocean storm

open ocean storm

watercolor (7" x 10.25")



snook (up to 4.6 ft, up to 53 lb)
eats: smaller fishes, shrimps, crabs

watercolor (11" x 14")


pencil sketches

blue whale
blue marlin

bluestripe grunt

spanish mackerel
orange file fish
common trunkfish
blue shark


bigeye tuna

bigeye tuna (up to 8 ft, up to 400 lb)
eats: squid, shrimp, mackerel, other small tuna

i painted and framed this as a housewarming gift and was without a scanner so there are only pictures

watercolor (12" x 18")


whale shark

whale shark (up to 42 ft, up to 47,000 lb)
eats: plankton

watercolor (8" x 11")

harbor seal*

harbor seal* (up to 6.1 ft, up to 370 lb)
eats: anchovy, sea bass, herring, mackerel, cod, whiting, flatfish, and pogy

watercolor (9" x 14")



portuguese man of war

portuguese man of war (sail up to 30 cm long & 15 cm high, tentacles up to 66 ft long )
eats: fish, fish larvae, cephalopods, other soft bodied prey

watercolor (8" x 11")


win a pescadote!

to honor pescadotes reaching the legal drinking age (21 painted&posted pescadotes), i will be painting a creature for the winner.  make up the name and stats for this pescadote.  the best entry will win a painted pescadote of their choice.  tell me what kind of sea creature you desire and i will do my best.  please submit your contest entries anonymously in the comments.

length: up to...
weight: up to...

watercolor (10" x 14")


greenland char

greenland char (up to 2.5 ft, up to 20 lb)
eats: small fish and invertebrates

watercolor (10" x 14")


bluefin trevally

bluefin trevally (up to 4 ft, up to 95 lb)
eats: reef fish, squid, octopus, eel

watercolor (8" x 11")


chevron barracuda

chevron barracuda (up to 5.5 ft, 100 lb)
eats: snapper, groupers, bream, various small fishes

watercolor (8 x 11)



chain catshark

chain catshark (up to 2 ft, up to 9 lb)
eats: squid, bony fish, polychaetes, crustaceans

watercolor (8" x 11")


green turtle

green turtle* (up to 5 ft, 690 lb)
eats: seagrasses and seaweed

watercolor (6" x 6")




butterflyfish (up to 8 in, up to 2 lb)
eats: benthic invertebrates

watercolor (8" x 11")


jaguar shark

jaguar shark (up to 33 ft, up to 40,000 lb)
eats: esteban and fluorescent snapper

watercolor, pencil (10" x 14")

present in what could be my favorite shark movie scene:
note: spoiler if you haven't seen the life aquatic


poll results

the only mammal with the runaway victory


blue shark

blue shark (up to 13 ft, up to 861 lb)
eats: squid, cuttlefish, pelagic octopuses, lobster, shrimps, crab, small sharks, small sharks, mammalian carrion, and seabirds

watercolor (8" x 11")


forktail rabbitfish

forktail rabbitfish (up to 10 in, up to 2 lb)
eats: benthic algae and seagrass

watercolor (8" x 11")


lined sweetlips

lined sweetlips (up to 3 ft, up to 28 lb)
eats: crustaceans, mollusks, shrimps, small fishes, and worms

watercolor (8" x 11")


humpback whale*

humpback whale* (up to 52 ft, up to 85,000 lb)
eats: krill and small fish

watercolor (10" x 14")

*mammal; thanks to d. harvey for the image stitching.


gilded triggerfish

gilded triggerfish (up to 1.5 ft, up to 3 lb)
eats: echinoderms, crabs, shrimps, sea urchins, worms, other invertebrates
